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Can we store the TLS certificates in Azure Key vault as a secret and use the same in Ingress in Azure Kubernetes service

To allow Kubernetes to use the TLS certificate and private key for the ingress controller, you create and use a Secret. Instead of this cant we store the .crt and .key files in Azure Key vault and create a secret and use it in Ingress?

The below article describe the steps for creating Kubernetes secret and use it in Ingress object https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/ingress-own-tls

Is there any way instead of Kubernetes secrets can we use azure key vault? If so can you please give some suggestion or how can we achieve this?

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Rajesh Saradka Narayana Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 11:11

Rajesh Saradka Narayana

1 Answers

Yes it is possible, you need to concat both .crt and .key in file and import into azure keyvault as certificate. Install azure-key-vault-controller to read secrets/certs from azure keyvault and create k8s secrets out of it.

kind: AzureKeyVaultSecret
  name: ingress-cert
  namespace: default
    name: <vault name> # name of key vault
      name: <newly created cert name from vault>
      type: certificate
      name: ingress-secret-tls # kubernetes secret name
      type: kubernetes.io/tls # kubernetes secret type
like image 88
Ashwa Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 00:11
