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Can we go back from Blaze plan to the Spark plan? [closed]



Is it possible to switch back to the Spark (free) plan once upgrading to the Blaze (pay as you go) plan?

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Ranjith J N Avatar asked Jul 02 '18 06:07

Ranjith J N

People also ask

Can I downgrade Firebase plan?

You can downgrade to the Spark pricing plan in the Firebase console.

How to change plan in Firebase?

1. Log in to the Firebase Console. In the lower left, you will see that your project is listed on the Spark plan. Click the upgrade button.

Is Blaze plan free?

* No-cost usage on Blaze plan is calculated daily. Details differ slightly for Cloud Functions, Firebase ML, Phone Auth, and Test Lab.

How does blaze plan work?

The Firebase Blaze plan is a "pay as you go" plan, as indicated on the Firebase pricing page. It is a post-billing service, meaning that you get billed for your usage at the end of the month. During the month, you can track your usage (and thus pricing) for the service in the Firebase Console.

2 Answers

Yes you can, just click on tne modify button in the console and it shows you your plan. Then you can select any plan you like whether to upgrade or downgrade your plan.

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Akash Sahu Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Akash Sahu

Yes, you are not required to stay on Blaze. When you click the "modify" button at the bottom left of the console when it shows your plan, you will be able to select any other plan.

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Doug Stevenson Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10

Doug Stevenson