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Can topic messages be made persistent in activemq?



I am very new to JMS and ESB. I am using activemq as JMS and mule as ESB. When i am forwarding the messages from one queue to another with jms connector parameter "persistentDelivery" as "true" it retains the messages in the target queue after activemq re-start. But in case of forwarding messages from one topic to another,the messages are not retained in the target topic after restart.

Is there any limitation for persistence of messages in case of topic in activemq?

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Arijit

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Arijit Bose Avatar asked Jan 11 '12 19:01

Arijit Bose

People also ask

How does ActiveMQ topic work?

ActiveMQ sends messages between client applications—producers, which create messages and submit them for delivery, and consumers, which receive and process messages. The ActiveMQ broker routes each message through a messaging endpoint called a destination (in ActiveMQ Classic) or an address (in Artemis).

What is persistence ActiveMQ?

The persistence flag is set on the MessageProducer for all messages using the setDeliveryMode. It can also be specified on a per message basis using the long form of the send method. Persistence is a property of a an individual message.

How messages are stored in ActiveMQ?

The messages are stored in data logs, which are individual files, typically 32mb in size (though this is configurable, they can be larger if the size of a message is large than the file size).

1 Answers

topics are different in that messages are only retained if there is a durable consumer.

see these for more info...



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Ben ODay Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09

Ben ODay