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Can the ROOT element in a select statement using FOR XML PATH be set using a variable?




I have a query that creates an xml file. Currently, I have the ROOT element hard-coded. I would like to use a variable value to set this root element value but substituting the hard-coded string with the variable throws a syntax error of expecting a string. This is the select statement:

DECLARE @SelectResults XML
DECLARE @DatabaseName varchar(100) 
SELECT @DatabaseName = DB_NAME();

    SET @SelectResults =
    SELECT...query results here...
    FOR XML PATH(''),
    ROOT(@DatabaseName) --when this is set to 'DatabaseName' it works

Can I use a variable in the function ROOT()?

like image 676
Gloria Santin Avatar asked Sep 12 '16 19:09

Gloria Santin

People also ask

How does for XML Path work in SQL?

A SELECT query returns results as a rowset. You can optionally retrieve formal results of a SQL query as XML by specifying the FOR XML clause in the query. The FOR XML clause can be used in top-level queries and in subqueries. The top-level FOR XML clause can be used only in the SELECT statement.

How do I select a specific XML node in SQL Server?

You should use the query() Method if you want to get a part of your XML. If you want the value from a specific node you should use value() Method. Update: If you want to shred your XML to multiple rows you use nodes() Method.

Which of the following modes do you specify in a FOR XML clause?

The FOR-clause has the following modes that allow you to render a relational and/or tabular structure into a hierarchical XML structure – elements, attributes, entity encoding and so on: Recordset. Raw. Auto.

What is type in XML Path?

Adding the FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE converts these rows into a single strongly-typed XML text node with the concatenated rows, allowing XML methods like value to be used on the type: select ',' + quotename (C.name) from sys.columns c where c.object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.result2') for xml path(''), TYPE.

2 Answers

You could do the replacement in a separate replace acting on the XML output:

DECLARE @SelectResults XML
DECLARE @DatabaseName varchar(100) 
SELECT @DatabaseName = DB_NAME();

    SET @SelectResults =
        SELECT...query results here...
        FOR XML PATH(''),
        ROOT('ROOT_ELEMENT') --when this is set to 'DatabaseName' it works
    ), 'ROOT_ELEMENT>',@DatabaseName+'>' )
like image 122
Ross Presser Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09

Ross Presser

Here is a little cheat using concat()

Create some sample data

Declare @SomeTable table (id int,First_Name varchar(50),Last_Name varchar(50),EMail varchar(50))
Insert into @SomeTable values
(2,'Jane','Doe'  ,'jane.doe@gmail.com')


Declare @SelectResults XML = concat('<',DB_NAME(),'>',(Select * from @SomeTable for XML Path),'</',DB_NAME(),'>') 
Select @SelectResults


like image 33
John Cappelletti Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09

John Cappelletti