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Can the lodash zip function work with an array of arrays?

The lodash zip() function normally accepts two or more arrays as arguments. Can it accept an array of arrays?

For example, given an object like var aa = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]; and a desired output of [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]] zip() must be called like _.zip(aa[0],aa[1]). For an array of arrays with more than two elements, typing the indexes into the function call becomes repetitive.

Calling _.zip(aa) doesn't work. It just nests the original array of arrays.

like image 573
Martin Burch Avatar asked Jun 30 '16 01:06

Martin Burch

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1 Answers

You can splat your array of arrays using apply or the ES2015 spread operator (...):

// call zip with a `this` context of the lodash object
// and with each entry in aa as a separate argument
// e. g. zip(aa[0], aa[1], ..., aa[N]);
_.zip.apply(_, aa);

// Same call, but using ES2015
like image 53
Sean Vieira Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Sean Vieira