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Can the iPhone detect the size of a touch?



As far as I can tell the iPhone multitouch framework sends the location of each touch but not the size.

I want to allow the user to tap a button with the tip of their thumb, or to put the pad of their thumb across multiple buttons (not real UIButtons) and have my touch tracking code realize it needs to press all the buttons the thumb is over.

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Alex Wayne Avatar asked Feb 07 '09 21:02

Alex Wayne

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Can my phone measure size?

Google's augmented reality app “Measure” turns ARCore-compatible Android smartphones into digital measuring tapes, as reported by Ars Technica. Using the app appears to be rather simple. Simply launch Measure, point the phone's camera to an object, then pick two points to measure the distance in between.

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Find The Area Of A Surface Using Measure Just tap the circular plus button to find the length and width of the item you're measuring. Multiply the length times the width to find the surface area. You can also manually create a box by adding a point at every corner of the surface you're trying to measure.

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2 Answers

All these answers are wrong. The fact that Apple doesn't appear to sanction this in apps on the store is a different matter.

 float vf = 10.0; 
 id valFloat = [thisTouch valueForKey:"pathMajorRadius"]; 
 if(valFloat != nil) {
   vf = [valFloat floatValue]; 

I really wish that this issue would get pushed harder by users and developers.

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Rob Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09


Since UITouch handles the touch and nothing is said about the size, i'd say no you can't. You better try another approch like a drag..

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CiNN Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09