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Can TensorFlow support spiking neurons?

I looked around for tutorials/articles/examples/... to use spiking neurons (e.g. of the SRM/Spike Response Model type) in TensorFlow, but I could not find anything.

Is it possible to simulate these models in TensorFlow at all?
Can TensorFlow simulate models which explicitely depend on time?
Are there any plug-ins/extensions/data files which can add this capability?
Is the GPU supported?

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Pietro Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 21:12


1 Answers

I was also interested in this problem and have done exactly what Pietro mentioned. i.e. Took a matlab implementation of a simplified Hodgkin-Huxley model and converted it to Tensorflow. Have a look at https://github.com/jotia1/spiking-net-tensorflow

https://joshuaarnold.com.au/simulating-spiking-nets-in-tensorflow/ for the blog post with some of my thoughts on the whole process. broken link

Interested in hearing your thoughts on it.

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joti Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 21:12
