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Can Spring and SWT work together for Java Desktop Applications?


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Can spring framework be used for desktop application?

Conclusion Java Spring Boot stands out as one of the most effective platforms for desktop application development. There are a lot of factors that makes Java Spring Boot a desirable platform for desktop application development.

How do I run a standalone spring boot application?

Spring Boot provides an option for creating a self-contained executable jar file to run in production. To create an executable jar, we need the spring-boot-maven-plugin in our pom. xml file (check section 2 for detail). Run mvn package command to create an executable jar.

What can you do with Java Spring?

The Spring Framework (Spring) is an open-source application framework that provides infrastructure support for developing Java applications. One of the most popular Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) frameworks, Spring helps developers create high performing applications using plain old Java objects (POJOs).

I am going to design Java Desktop Application. While I was design web application, I got plenty of choice, e.g. Spring, Strut etc. However, for Java Desktop (which is new to me), I don't find any.

Is that Eclipse RCP a Java Desktop Framework, which works like Spring mvc in Web apps? I wonder, can I use Spring to enjoy the benefit of IOC, together with Eclipse RCP to enjoy the benefit of both world?

Please advise. Thanks.