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Can someone provide a quick App.config/Web.config tutorial?

I've used these two configuration files many times before, but I've never taken the time to fully understand how they really work. As most people do, I understand the basics in how to call WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["key"] to get config values.

Here are some questions I came up with:

  1. What happens when you reference a configuration value within a class library, and the library is part of a bigger solution? Does the app.config need to be copied to the output directory in order for the variables to be found? (I assume yes)
  2. Can you directly use a configuration value from an app.config in another class library?
  3. Assuming question 3 is "yes", what happens if there are multiple app.config files from different libraries containing configuration values with the same key?
  4. What happens when you reference the web.config, but in a class library?
  5. What happens when you reference the app.config, but in a website or web application project?
like image 773
John B Avatar asked Jul 27 '09 14:07

John B

1 Answers

The underlying answer to all of your questions is the same: Unless you set up something unusual, all assemblies in your project will read from the same configuration file. In a web app, they will all read from "web.config". In any other project type, they will read from the starting assembly's config file.

like image 84
David Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09
