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Can someone provide a good Listenable worker example?

I have been digging into ListenableWorker class to create a service using new workmanager. But nowhere have i found any examples. Any source which describes work manager, gives example of Worker class which has a nice doWork method but it doesn't meet my requirements. So i want your help to write a nice service using ListenableWorker which can handle ListenableFuture

I have tried android developer's documentation and in their documentation, they have written about using guava and using concurrent-futures both of which don't provide any example to write a simple service. I also have watched the workmanager release video in which google engineers explain the new API but their examples are all in Kotlin and i don't get the classes to use.

import android.content.Context;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.concurrent.futures.CallbackToFutureAdapter;
import androidx.work.ListenableWorker;
import androidx.work.WorkerParameters;

import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;

public class DistanceWorker extends ListenableWorker {

    public DistanceWorker(Context context, WorkerParameters workerParameters){
        super(context, workerParameters);
    public ListenableFuture<Result> startWork() {
        //what to write here ?

I just want to return a future and want to know how to resolve or reject that future when my work is done. Please help me understanding it.

like image 918
Kapil Garg Avatar asked May 06 '19 15:05

Kapil Garg

1 Answers

I've also had questions on how to use ListenableWorkers using Kotlin. So I built this small example to retrieve location, which I believe it's the most common case to use it.


Here is a generic basic usage (not tested) - I believe it's just easier checking my project out where I added the complete tested version of this. I get data out of the worker in the Github project, and it's kind of hard to exemplify it here.

    //Enqueue work
    val anyWorkListenableWorker = OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(AnyWorkListenableWorker::class.java).build()
    workManagerInstance.enqueueUniqueWork("ANY_WORK", ExistingWorkPolicy.KEEP, anyWorkListenableWorker)
class AnyWorkListenableWorker(appContext: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters)
    : ListenableWorker(appContext, workerParams) {

    private val future : ResolvableFuture<Result> = ResolvableFuture.create()

    override fun startWork(): ListenableFuture<Result> {
        //MAIN THREAD

        CoroutineScope(Default).launch {
            //Launch scope to do work out of the main thread

        return future

    private fun doAnyWork() {
        //Do long work
like image 53
febaisi Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10
