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Can someone explain MySQL foreign keys

I know what they are my question is, how do you link them or are they automatically linked when you have identical names in different tables. Here is an example:

Say I have an [orders] table and a [customer] table. Each row in the [orders] table has a customer_id number which is associated with the customer_id in the [customer] table. So how do I get the customer information by referencing the order? What would be the sql query?

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Ross Avatar asked Nov 13 '09 17:11


People also ask

Why foreign key is not recommended?

Having active foreign keys on tables improves data quality but hurts performance of insert, update and delete operations. Before those tasks database needs to check if it doesn't violate data integrity. This is a reason why some architects and DBAs give up on foreign keys at all.

Does MySQL support foreign keys?

MySQL supports foreign key references between one column and another within a table. (A column cannot have a foreign key reference to itself.) In these cases, a “child table record” refers to a dependent record within the same table.

How do you describe a foreign key?

A foreign key is a column or group of columns in a relational database table that provides a link between data in two tables. It acts as a cross-reference between tables because it references the primary key of another table, thereby establishing a link between them.

Are foreign keys a good idea?

The FOREIGN KEY constraint is crucial to relational database design. It lets us link the data according to our needs. As it creates some dependencies between the columns of primary and foreign tables, it also lets us decide what to do ON UPDATE and ON DELETE actions performed on the rows of the primary table.

2 Answers

... how do you link them or are they automatically linked when you have identical names in different tables.

This is not automatic, you have to add a foreign key constraint on the customer_id column of the order table. This can be done at the table creation time or using an ALTER statement. Check the documentation for the details. As others pointed out, note that both tables need to be InnoDB tables (foreign key constraints are not supported by the MyISAM storage engine that will ignore them).

With or without a FK constraint, the query would be something like:

AND O.ID = ...

A FK constraint would "just" guarantee that the CUSTOMER_ID column of the ORDER table cannot contain values that doesn't exist in the CUSTOMER table (except potentially NULL) and thus enforce referential integrity.

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Pascal Thivent Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10

Pascal Thivent

Foreign keys are not automatically linked by common names. One thing that frequently confuses people about MySQL foreign keys is that the MyISAM table engine (the default) doesn't support foreign keys at all. Rather than giving an error message when adding a foreign key to a MyISAM table, MySQL silently ignores the foreign key definition. Foreign keys are supported by the InnoDB table engine so you should make sure all tables you wish to add foreign keys to are of the InnoDB table type. To add a foreign key you do something like this:

alter table fk_table add foreign key (fk_column) references pk_table (pk_column);
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Asaph Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 05:10
