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Can SoapUI generate .wadl for REST projects? If yes, how?





I am currently working on REST project using the SoapUI v5.0.0 Tool. The intention is to make the project's WADL (web application description languag) available on web. I would like to know if Soap UI provides facilities to generate .wadl for the REST projects.

like image 455
Satt Avatar asked Aug 21 '14 09:08


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Can we use SoapUI for REST?

SoapUI supports extensive testing of RESTful web services and their resources, representations, and so on. This step-by-step tutorial will help you learn how to send requests to a REST API and verify its responses with assertions in SoapUI.

1 Answers

Right-click on the endpoint, and select "Export WADL".

like image 136
SiKing Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 23:11
