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Can slack incoming webhooks post message to all private groups?



I was searching if slack incoming webhooks can send message to all private groups, but I didn't find any slack documentation on that.

So, can slack incoming webhooks send message to all private groups?

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Matias Cubero Avatar asked Jul 23 '15 14:07

Matias Cubero

People also ask

Is it possible to post files to Slack using the incoming webhook?

No, its is not possible to upload files through an incoming Webhook.

What can you do with a Slack webhook?

Message options Incoming webhooks allow you to add context to your messages by attaching helpful content and links. Things like images, websites, or other pieces of data make these messages more useful for your team.

What is an incoming webhook?

An Incoming Webhook lets external applications to share content in Microsoft Teams channels. The webhooks are used as tools to track and notify. The webhooks provide a unique URL, to send a JSON payload with a message in card format.

1 Answers

Incoming webooks can post to private groups. When you set up the incoming webhook at https://TEAM.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook, choose the private group you want to send to.

You can send to a different channel (including a different private group) with the "channel" JSON key.

A single incoming webhook cannot send to multiple destinations.

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Merlin83b Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09
