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Can Resharper skip async/await keywords?

I am trying to see how new C# 5.0 asynchronous (CTP) features will work. I also use ReSharper. But because it is only a CTP, ReSharper doesn't support new keywords (async/await) and highlights them as errors.

This is how it looks (code from CTP samples)

ReSharper failed to understand async await keywords

Is it possible to make ReSharper just skip these words for now?


I tried Early Access Program ReSharper build 6.0.2151.53 (10 May 2011) with no luck. The issue is still there so if you want it to be resolved give your vote here (following Peter's answer).

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oleksii Avatar asked May 14 '11 17:05


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2 Answers

Async is a new language syntax that is not yet RTM, so Resharper has yet to support it. If you feel this is important, the issue is being tracked b Jetbrains and you can vote for it here: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/RSRP-196518?projectKey=RSRP

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Peter Ritchie Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10

Peter Ritchie

The Early Release of Resharper 6.1 now supports the async CTP.

If you can, it'd probably be worth waiting for the proper release version though.

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doglobster Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10
