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Can one specify a file content-type to download using Wget?

I want to use wget to download files linked from the main page of a website, but I only want to download text/html files. Is it possible to limit wget to text/html files based on the mime content type?

like image 867
T. Brian Jones Avatar asked Nov 14 '22 20:11

T. Brian Jones

2 Answers

I dont think they have implemented this yet. As it is still on there bug list.


You might have to do everything by file extension

like image 111
rissicay Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 10:12


Wget2 has this feature.

--filter-mime-type    Specify a list of mime types to be saved or ignored`

### `--filter-mime-type=list`

Specify a comma-separated list of MIME types that will be downloaded.  Elements of list may contain wildcards.
If a MIME type starts with the character '!' it won't be downloaded, this is useful when trying to download
something with exceptions. For example, download everything except images:

  wget2 -r https://<site>/<document> --filter-mime-type=*,\!image/*

It is also useful to download files that are compatible with an application of your system. For instance,
download every file that is compatible with LibreOffice Writer from a website using the recursive mode:

  wget2 -r https://<site>/<document> --filter-mime-type=$(sed -r '/^MimeType=/!d;s/^MimeType=//;s/;/,/g' /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-writer.desktop)

Wget2 has not been released as of today, but will be soon. Debian unstable already has an alpha version shipped.

Look at https://gitlab.com/gnuwget/wget2 for more info. You can post questions/comments directly to [email protected].

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rockdaboot Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 11:12
