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Can one encrypt with a private key/decrypt with a public key?

[Disclaimer: I know, if you know anything about crypto you're probably about to tell me why I'm doing it wrong - I've done enough Googling to know this seems to be the typical response.]

Suppose the following: you have a central authority that wants to issue login cookies for a given domain. On this domain, you don't necessarily trust everyone, but you have a few key end-points who should be able to read the cookie. I say a few, but in practice this number of "trusted" partners may be large. The cookie doesn't contain much information - a username, a timestamp, an expiry, a random number. It should remain small of course, for performance reasons, even after encryption (within reason). Now, there are two security issues:

1) We don't trust every webserver on this domain with user data. For this reason, the ability to read the cookie should be restricted to these trusted partners. 2) While we trust these partners to protect our user's data, we'd still like the central point of authority to be unforgeable (again, within reason).

Now, if we generate a private RSA key for the authority and keep it secret, and distribute the public key only to the "trusted partners", we should be able to encrypt with the private key and have it readable by anyone with the public key. What I'm unclear on is, would it still be necessary to sign the message, or would the act of decrypting be evidence that it was generated with the private key? Is this any way in which this scheme would be better or worse than disseminating a symmetric key to all parties involved and using that to encrypt, while using the private key merely to sign? And of course feel free to tell me all the ways this is a stupid idea, but bear in mind that practical arguments will probably be more convincing than rehashing Alice and Bob.

Oh, and implementation pointers would be welcome, though one can find the basics on Google, if there are any "gotchas" involved that would be useful!

like image 921
agnoster Avatar asked Feb 19 '10 11:02


People also ask

Can I encrypt with private key and decrypt with public key?

Asymmetric encryption uses a mathematically related pair of keys for encryption and decryption: a public key and a private key. If the public key is used for encryption, then the related private key is used for decryption. If the private key is used for encryption, then the related public key is used for decryption.

Can public key be used for decryption?

Once the sender has the public key, he uses it to encrypt his message. Together, these keys help to ensure the security of the exchanged data. A message encrypted with the public key cannot be decrypted without using the corresponding private key.

Do you encrypt or decrypt with a public key?

A public key is also used to encrypt a message or check the legitimacy of a digital signature. It is accompanied by a corresponding private key, which is known only to its owner. Private keys are used to decrypt messages that were created with the corresponding public key or to create signatures.

Can a private key decrypt a private key?

If someone wants to communicate sensitive information with you, you can send them your public key, which they can use to encrypt their messages or files before sending them to you. Private keys are used for decryption. The only way you can decrypt your sender's encrypted message is by using your private key.

1 Answers

Nate Lawson explains here and here why you can't securely use the public key as a closely-held secret decryption key (it's a subtle point, and a mistake plenty of others have made before you, so don't feel bad!).

Just use your public key to sign for authenticity, and a separate symmetric key for the secrecy.

I've read enough on interesting attacks against public key systems, and RSA in particular, that I agree absolutely with this conclusion:

Public key cryptosystems and RSA in particular are extremely fragile. Do not use them differently than they were designed.

(That means: Encrypt with the public key, sign with the private key, and anything else is playing with fire.)


If you're interesting in reducing the size of the resulting cookies, you should consider using ECDSA rather than RSA to produce the signatures - ECDSA signatures are considerably smaller than RSA signatures of an equivalent security factor.

like image 75
caf Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 01:10
