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Can one call a method from another model in a model in CodeIgniter?


Can one call a method from another model in a model in CodeIgniter? I tried it out, and it seemed to work after I autoloaded all of my models.

However, does ordering of the models matter? Just because it worked for me once does not mean it works all of the time.

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John Hoffman Avatar asked Apr 05 '12 01:04

John Hoffman

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1 Answers

Yes, you can call a method from another model in a model in Code Igniter. You need the model you are calling a method on to be loaded. If you autoload all your models, it will always work. The order of autoloading does not matter.

When I want to call a method on another model, I usually load that model before using it. E.g.:

class User_model extends CI_Model {   function test()   {     $this->load->model('Blog_model', 'blog');     $result = $this->blog->method_on_blog_model();   } } 
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Mischa Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
