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Can not get innerHTML from a jQuery Object

I am using google map api. I wrote the code below.

<div id="map"></div>

And I use the google chrome console to see the content of $("div#map").


The result is:

<div id=​"map" style=​"width:​ 1218.222222328186px;​ position:​ relative;​ background-color:​ rgb(229, 227, 223)​;​ overflow:​ hidden;​ -webkit-transform:​ translateZ(0)​;​ ">​
<div style=​"position:​ absolute;​ left:​ 0px;​ top:​ 0px;​ overflow:​ hidden;​ width:​ 100%;​ height:​ 100%;​ z-index:​ 0;​ ">​…​</div>​

How can I get the innerHTML :

<div style=​"position:​ absolute;​ left:​ 0px;​ top:​ 0px;​ overflow:​ hidden;​ width:​ 100%;​ height:​ 100%;​ z-index:​ 0;​ ">​…​</div>​

I tried $("div#map > div"), but there is nothing returned. Why? Is it because the innerHTML generated by Javascript? How can I get it and insert another div into the div above?

Thank you very much.

like image 512
user1836330 Avatar asked Nov 23 '12 19:11


1 Answers

To get a plain javascript dom object from a valid jquery selector, use get(0) or [0].

$("#map")[0]//note that as id's are unique, you do not need to have anything else
            //in here to target them

Once you have the plain DOM object, you can use innerHTML


Although an easier way, since you are already using jQuery, would be to use jQuery's version of innerHTML html.


As for your second question, you can insert a div into the div like this:

var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
newDiv.innerHTML = "simple text, probably want to make more elements and set attributes and build them using .appendChild().";

Or like this for the parent of map:

like image 82
Travis J Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Travis J