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Can meteor.js web framework support a social networking architecture effectively?

So I'm new to node.js, javascript frameworks, and meteor.com. I'm trying to learn how to build social networks, and I'm naive/struggling to understand why Meteor.js (meteor.com) wouldn't be able to do all the great things you see now that twitter, facebook, instagram are doing?

There's the comet technology between client/server, authentication configs, asynchronous coding for scaling and performance, and built on top of node.js.

I'm trying to learn more about long polling, comet, gridFS or how files are stored, and in general things like replication sets, and sharding to help with performance (esp since Redhat has this openshift platform that we can build our own private clouds with).

I have some computer science background, but it seems like magic, so what am I missing? If you all could think of a few buzz words that make a social network tick that Meteor.js doesn't support, what would it be?

I hear things about parallel and concurrency (webworkers fixes that in part, no?), websockets, that high level languages like python or java are better off supporting. There's only one to learn my answers, and thats by doing, but thought someone could sway me one way or the other via this thread. Thanks!

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gamengineers Avatar asked May 08 '13 20:05


People also ask

What is Meteor JS good for?

Meteor allows you to develop in one language, JavaScript, in all environments: application server, web browser, and mobile device. Meteor uses data on the wire, meaning the server sends data, not HTML, and the client renders it.

Is Meteor a frontend or backend?

Meteor gives you data management solution across client and server, and React gives you a way to structure your app's UI from reusable components. Meteor can complement AngularJS by providing back-end code simple enough for front-end developers to use.

What is Meteor node JS?

Meteor, or MeteorJS, is a partly proprietary, mostly free and open-source isomorphic JavaScript web framework written using Node. js. Meteor allows for rapid prototyping and produces cross-platform (Android, iOS, Web) code.

1 Answers

This question encompasses a really broad idea and just focusing on using meteor alone would solve this issue. Here are a few points to consider:

  1. I don't think this framework would be a good starting point to learn long-polling, gridFS, etc etc. Meteor aims to be a framework that tends to be more of an ecosystem of packages e.g. you can certainly roll your own aformentioned strategies -- however for dynamic updates, Meteor uses its own Data Delivery Protocol (DDP) supported/implemented by (surprise) a good bunch of core packages such as Spark.

  2. Parallel processing and concurrency can be better off done using other languages, but why not with? Since Meteor is largely based on node.js, and node.js is really good with the aforementioned stuff plus it can play very well with other languages so you could integrate smoothly. Meteor doesn't really require you purely rely on it, as other languages would say the same thing. It's all in the general engineering / planning for your project. There are already lots of really good stuff out there that rely on Meteor, join in! don't be afraid. It all boils down to planning (and the courage/perseverance to pull it off, of course).

  3. Right now, we cannot tell if Meteor would be incapable of the usual great stuff by gigantic websites. Sure, we can do live updates, (its own kind of) publish/subscribe patterns, and powerful stuff to boost development (look at the seven core concepts of meteor to best understand this). It is not impossible to replicate what is already out there, really. We can only say it with uncertainty at the moment mainly because.. (see next point)

  4. The framework is so young! it's still at 0.6.x at the time of writing. Please take time to look at the Meteor Roadmap to see how things are going in terms of broader support for persistence/databases, performance considerations, and the official DDP specification.

I hope I have answered your enquiry (and more, I hope). I'm really excited for meteor myself as it could easily be the next big thing. We have a couple of (for-)production projects using Meteor as well, so you're getting direct insight from a person who has done quite a bit of hacking (and tons of research and first-hand experience) in Meteor. Not that i'm saying i'm an expert or so, it's just so much fun to work with Meteor and i'm totally not kidding you.

Hope this helps!

P.S.: Fair warning though, resources and documentation is really sparse at this point. I try to contribute to the community as much as I can about it (one of my starting points is here, on SO).

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Seth Malaki Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10

Seth Malaki