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can logstash process multiple output simultaneously?



i'm very new to logstash and elastic search. I am trying to store log files both in elasticsearch and a flat file. I know that logstash support both output. But are they processed simultaneously? or is it done periodically through a job?

like image 320
user2773013 Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 20:11


People also ask

Can Logstash have multiple outputs?

Using Logstash multiple outputs Furthermore, we can forward the filtered data of Logstash either to a single output destination or multiple outputs by filtering the inputs in a specific manner, resulting in the outputs being distributed to that particular stream for each of the inputs received.

Can Logstash have multiple inputs?

Only use input once.

Can Filebeat have multiple outputs?

You can have as many inputs as you want but you can only have one output, you will need to send your logs to a single logstash and from there you can send them to other places. Save this answer. Show activity on this post. Filebeat does not support sending the same data to multiple logstash servers simultaneously.

How can I improve my Logstash performance?

Solution for improving overall performance This can be accomplished by running multiple (identical) Logstash pipelines in parallel within a single Logstash process, and then load balancing the input data stream across the pipelines.

1 Answers

Yes you can do this like so by tagging and cloning your inputs with the "add_tag" command on your shipper config.

    tcp     { type => "linux" port => "50000" codec => plain { charset => "US-ASCII" } }
    tcp     { type => "apache_access" port => "50001" codec => plain { charset => "US-ASCII" } }
    tcp     { type => "apache_error"  port => "50002" codec => plain { charset => "US-ASCII" } }
    tcp     { type => "windows_security" port => "50003" codec => plain { charset => "US-ASCII" } }
    tcp     { type => "windows_application" port => "50004" codec => plain { charset => "US-ASCII" } }
    tcp     { type => "windows_system" port => "50005" codec => plain { charset => "US-ASCII" } }
udp { type => "network_equipment" port => "514" codec => plain { charset => "US-ASCII" } }
udp { type => "firewalls" port => "50006" codec => plain }
    grok    { match => [ "host", "%{IPORHOST:ipaddr}(:%{NUMBER})?" ] }
    mutate  { replace => [ "fqdn", "%{ipaddr}" ] }
    dns     { reverse => [ "fqdn", "fqdn" ] action => "replace" }
    if [type] == "linux"                    { clone { clones => "linux.log" add_tag => "savetofile" } }
    if [type] == "apache_access"            { clone { clones => "apache_access.log" add_tag => "savetofile" } }
    if [type] == "apache_error"             { clone { clones => "apache_error.log" add_tag => "savetofile" } }
    if [type] == "windows_security"         { clone { clones => "windows_security.log" add_tag => "savetofile" } }
    if [type] == "windows_application"      { clone { clones => "windows_application.log" add_tag => "savetofile" } }
    if [type] == "windows_system"           { clone { clones => "windows_system.log" add_tag => "savetofile" } }
    if [type] == "network_equipment"        { clone { clones => "network_%{fqdn}.log" add_tag => "savetofile" } }
if [type] == "firewalls"        { clone { clones => "firewalls.log" add_tag => "savetofile" } }
    #stdout { debug => true }
    #stdout { codec => rubydebug }
    redis   { host => "" data_type => "list" key => "logstash" }

And on your main logstash instance you would do this:

input {
    redis {
    host => "" 
    data_type => "list" 
    key => "logstash" 
    type=> "redis-input"
    # We use the 'json' codec here because we expect to read json events from redis.
    codec => json
        if "savetofile" in [tags] {
            file {
                path => [ "/logs/%{fqdn}/%{type}" ] message_format => "%{message}"   
        else { elasticsearch { host => "" }
like image 87
dobbs Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09
