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Can linux ssh private key files be used unchanged in putty on Windows?

I have been connecting to my site from a Mac using ssh. My Mac is dead. Now I have my key files but need to use Putty on Windows...

1 - Can I take my id_rsa file and rename it as private.ppk and use it as-is with Putty?

2 - Are there any gotchas? - because the remote server is refusing my keys. :(

like image 687
Dizzley Avatar asked Feb 03 '11 09:02


People also ask

How do I use SSH with private key in PuTTY?

Open your PuTTY client and select Connections – SSH – Auth from the sidebar. After this, click the Browse… button and select your private key file (. ppk file).

Where are SSH keys stored Windows PuTTY?

The OpenSSH public key is located in the box under Key / Public key for pasting info OpenSSH authorized_keys file: . The public key begins with ssh-rsa followed by a string of characters.

2 Answers

You can't use OpenSSH keys directly with PuTTY, but if you have the puttygen tool (by the author of PuTTY), you can import them.

For directions, see the following from the PuTTY documentation: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.60/htmldoc/Chapter8.html#puttygen-conversions

like image 156
Jander Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09


No, you need to convert them first using puttygen

like image 39
chris Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
