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Can JRuby use original Ruby gems?

I am considering about what is the difference between JRuby on Rails and the original Ruby on Rails for my product?

How does it difference in development activity, deployment, support between its original, or scalability?

I have read many article. They said JRuby is the same function like Ruby. Does it mean we can use Ruby gems for JRuby, using scaffold and ActiveRecord like Ruby, and we can also deploy the product like Java?

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Teerasej Avatar asked Jul 23 '09 07:07


2 Answers

Only gems written purely in Ruby will work under JRuby. Gems like RMagick or MySQL or (the standard implementation of) JSON that require C extensions will leave you out of luck in some cases and with alternatives like the JDBC MySQL and JSON-JRuby gems in other cases.

like image 134
Jim Puls Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Jim Puls

See my answer here

Also, this is a handy reference: Is It JRuby

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Robert Brown Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Robert Brown