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Can jQueryCycle show multiple images at once, but slide one at a time? [closed]

I want to have 3+ images on a page with 3 images visible and be able to advance one image at a time. Something like this:

[Slide 1][Slide 2][Slide 3]

Then when the user clicks Next

[Slide 2][Slide 3][Slide 4]

Is it possible to do this with jQueryCycle? If not, what jQuery plugin would you recommend for this?

This example shows 3 images, but it scrolls all 3 when clicking the nav buttons.

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SomethingOn Avatar asked Jan 25 '12 16:01


3 Answers

jCarousel is quite common for this sort of thing but I´m sure you can find other ones as well.


Created a demo that makes use of the scroll setting;

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        wrap: 'circular',
        scroll: 1
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Stefan Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 05:11


According to @malsup himself, no :(


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SomethingOn Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 06:11


jQuery Cycle 2 can do this; it's called the "carousel transition". A demo and documentation can be found on Cycle 2 Carousel. Note that you need to add the optional "Carousel" plugin available from the Cycle 2 download page.

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marcvangend Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 06:11
