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Can ipa file be created in debug mode?




Two questions on ipa files.

  • Can ipa file be created in debug mode? If so, how do you archive the file in debug mode?
  • Our ipa file, after installed to a device, is outputting our logs to the console. Can we disable logging functionality to the console?

My environment Xcode 4.6 and iOS 5 & 6.

like image 920
Rocky Avatar asked Jun 24 '13 18:06


1 Answers

About the first question, yes, you can archive an app in Debug mode. From Xcode, browse the Product menu, Scheme, Manage Schemes, Edit. Select the Archive action on the left pane and choose Debug as Build Configuration in the drop down box.

If you want to restrict logging only to Debug configurations, you can add this to your ProjectName-Prefix.pch file:

#ifdef DEBUG
#define XYZLog(format, ...) NSLog(format, ## __VA_ARGS__)
#define XYZLog(format, ...)

Where "XYZ" is the three letter prefix for your application (Cocoa naming convention).

Then you must use XYZLog instead of NSLog in your code and the output will only go to the console for Debug versions.

like image 183
Daniel Martín Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10

Daniel Martín