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Can IFNULL be used with select statements for a sum?




I have two tables with a decimal value, using the following statement I can add them all up and get the total.

(SELECT SUM(total) from recruitment where quote_id = 1)
(SELECT SUM(cost) from cost WHERE quote_id = 1)
)AS total

But if either select reurns null then the the total is null so I tried using ISNULL to return a 0 rather than null like this:

(IFNULL(SELECT SUM(total) FROM recruitment WHERE quote_id = 1),0)
(IFNULL(SELECT SUM(cost) FROM cost WHERE quote_id = 1),0)
)AS total

This didn't work, so I was just wondering how is the best way to go about doing this?

like image 415
sore-spot Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 15:12


1 Answers

Use COALESCE() which returns its first non-null argument, and can replace the whole expression with a zero.

  COALESCE((SELECT SUM(total) FROM recruitment WHERE quote_id = 1),0)
  COALESCE((SELECT SUM(cost) FROM cost WHERE quote_id = 1),0)
)AS total

IFNULL() should work the same way in this case - I suspect you may have had incorrect parentheses causing a syntax error.

/* Should work too. Make sure the inner SELECT is enclosed in () */
  IFNULL((SELECT SUM(total) FROM recruitment WHERE quote_id = 1),0)
  IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cost) FROM cost WHERE quote_id = 1),0)
)AS total
like image 61
Michael Berkowski Avatar answered Jan 10 '23 04:01

Michael Berkowski