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Can identities running on Indy be referenced in Fabric blockchain?

As it stands today, Can identities running on Indy be referenced in Fabric blockchain (like in a smart contract)?

like image 804
drecute Avatar asked Dec 29 '17 12:12


People also ask

What is the difference between Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Indy?

I have some experience with Hyperledger Fabric. It is a private permissioned blockchain used for many use cases. Hyperledger Indy on the other hand is used primary for decentralized identity management.

Does Hyperledger Fabric supports consensus and identity management?

Hyperledger Fabric implements a modular architecture to provide functional choice to network designers. Specific algorithms for identity, ordering (consensus) and encryption, for example, can be plugged in to any Hyperledger Fabric network.

Who maintains the identities in Hyperledger Fabric?

Hyperledger Fabric uses PKI for identity management Certificates are managed by way of Certification Authorities (or CA). Fabric CA is the Hyperledger's implementation of the Certification Authority. There are two binaries in the Fabric's CA implementation.

How can you manage identity of a peer in Hyperledger Fabric?

The first step is to connect to the peer node and use the fabric-ca-client to create the admin identity. As per examples the enrollment id and secret used is admin , adminpw . This is dependent on the configuration used here.

1 Answers

There is currently no native integration between Fabric and Indy and you can't use Indy DIDs to sign Fabric transactions. Fabric v1.1 and later does have a somewhat pluggable authentication mechanism as well as a pluggable decorator (ability to add additional data to the payload passed into chaincode) where you might be able to leverage an Indy identity.

like image 162
Gari Singh Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 10:11

Gari Singh