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Can I write 'parameterized' tests in DUnit


I am using DUnit to test a Delphi library. I sometimes run into cases, where i write several very similar tests to check multiple inputs to a function.

Is there a way to write (something resembling) a parameterized test in DUnit? For instance specifying an input and expected output to a suitable test procedure, then running the test suite and getting feedback on which of the multiple runs of the test failed?

(Edit: an example)

For example, suppose I had two tests like this:

procedure TestMyCode_WithInput2_Returns4(); var   Sut: TMyClass;   Result: Integer; begin   // Arrange:   Sut := TMyClass.Create;    // Act:   Result := sut.DoStuff(2);    // Assert   CheckEquals(4, Result); end;  procedure TestMyCode_WithInput3_Returns9(); var   Sut: TMyClass;   Result: Integer; begin   // Arrange:   Sut := TMyClass.Create;    // Act:   Result := sut.DoStuff(3);    // Assert   CheckEquals(9, Result); end; 

I might have even more of these tests that do exactly the same thing but with different inputs and expectations. I don't want to merge them into one test, because I would like them to be able to pass or fail independently.

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Mathias Falkenberg Avatar asked Jan 25 '12 08:01

Mathias Falkenberg

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2 Answers

You can use DSharp to improve your DUnit tests. Especially the new unit DSharp.Testing.DUnit.pas (in Delphi 2010 and higher).

Just add it to your uses after TestFramework and you can add attributes to your test case. Then it could look like this:

unit MyClassTests;  interface  uses   MyClass,   TestFramework,   DSharp.Testing.DUnit;  type   TMyClassTest = class(TTestCase)   private     FSut: TMyClass;   protected     procedure SetUp; override;     procedure TearDown; override;   published     [TestCase('2;4')]     [TestCase('3;9')]     procedure TestDoStuff(Input, Output: Integer);   end;  implementation  procedure TMyClassTest.SetUp; begin   inherited;   FSut := TMyClass.Create; end;  procedure TMyClassTest.TearDown; begin   inherited;   FSut.Free; end;  procedure TMyClassTest.TestDoStuff(Input, Output: Integer); begin   CheckEquals(Output, FSut.DoStuff(Input)); end;  initialization   RegisterTest(TMyClassTest.Suite);  end. 

When you run it your test looks like this:

enter image description here

Since attributes in Delphi just accept constants the attributes just take the arguments as a string where the values are separated by a semicolon. But nothing prevents you from creating your own attribute classes that take multiple arguments of the correct type to prevent "magic" strings. Anyway you are limited to types that can be const.

You can also specify the Values attribute on each argument of the method and it gets called with any possible combination (as in NUnit).

Referring to the other answers personally I want to write as little code as possible when writing unit tests. Also I want to see what the tests do when I look at the interface part without digging through the implementation part (I am not going to say: "let's do BDD"). That is why I prefer the declarative way.

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Stefan Glienke Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 08:10

Stefan Glienke

I think you are looking for something like this:

unit TestCases;  interface  uses   SysUtils, TestFramework, TestExtensions;  implementation  type   TArithmeticTest = class(TTestCase)   private     FOp1, FOp2, FSum: Integer;     constructor Create(const MethodName: string; Op1, Op2, Sum: Integer);   public     class function CreateTest(Op1, Op2, Sum: Integer): ITestSuite;   published     procedure TestAddition;     procedure TestSubtraction;   end;  { TArithmeticTest }  class function TArithmeticTest.CreateTest(Op1, Op2, Sum: Integer): ITestSuite; var   i: Integer;   Test: TArithmeticTest;   MethodEnumerator: TMethodEnumerator;   MethodName: string; begin   Result := TTestSuite.Create(Format('%d + %d = %d', [Op1, Op2, Sum]));   MethodEnumerator := TMethodEnumerator.Create(Self);   Try     for i := 0 to MethodEnumerator.MethodCount-1 do begin       MethodName := MethodEnumerator.NameOfMethod[i];       Test := TArithmeticTest.Create(MethodName, Op1, Op2, Sum);       Result.addTest(Test as ITest);     end;   Finally     MethodEnumerator.Free;   End; end;  constructor TArithmeticTest.Create(const MethodName: string; Op1, Op2, Sum: Integer); begin   inherited Create(MethodName);   FOp1 := Op1;   FOp2 := Op2;   FSum := Sum; end;  procedure TArithmeticTest.TestAddition; begin   CheckEquals(FOp1+FOp2, FSum);   CheckEquals(FOp2+FOp1, FSum); end;  procedure TArithmeticTest.TestSubtraction; begin   CheckEquals(FSum-FOp1, FOp2);   CheckEquals(FSum-FOp2, FOp1); end;  function UnitTests: ITestSuite; begin   Result := TTestSuite.Create('Addition/subtraction tests');   Result.AddTest(TArithmeticTest.CreateTest(1, 2, 3));   Result.AddTest(TArithmeticTest.CreateTest(6, 9, 15));   Result.AddTest(TArithmeticTest.CreateTest(-3, 12, 9));   Result.AddTest(TArithmeticTest.CreateTest(4, -9, -5)); end;  initialization   RegisterTest('My Test cases', UnitTests);  end. 

which looks like this in the GUI test runner:

enter image description here

I'd be very interested to know if I have gone about this in a sub-optimal way. DUnit is so incredibly general and flexible that whenever I use it I always end up feeling that I've missed a better, simpler way to solve the problem.

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David Heffernan Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 10:10

David Heffernan