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Can I use twig in standalone project




Can I use twig templating engine in a standalone project , for example to design more on 1000 html page , ie site full with static pages , if you had any simple example i will thank you

like image 581
anosyria Avatar asked Jun 05 '12 15:06


People also ask

Is Twig a frontend?

Twig is a PHP templating language that outputs variables into the HTML of views in MVC (models, views, controllers) programming. So, it contributes to the structure of a website's frontend.

Is Twig a template engine?

Twig is a modern template engine for PHPSecure: Twig has a sandbox mode to evaluate untrusted template code. This allows Twig to be used as a template language for applications where users may modify the template design.

Is Twig a programming language?

Twig is a template engine for the PHP programming language. Its syntax originates from Jinja and Django templates. It's an open source product licensed under a BSD License and maintained by Fabien Potencier. The initial version was created by Armin Ronacher.

How can we use a Twig?

It can used for connecting two things by using it in place of a rubber band, It is used for making baskets and decorative stuff. It can be utilized in making hangers out of it. Twigs are useful for playing purposes and is used in furniture as well.

1 Answers

I found this Sitepoint tutorial very straightforward. I've simplified and summarised the steps:

It assumes basic command line and Composer knowledge.

  • install Twig - Composer is probably the simplest way for most people. Run composer require twig/twig in your docroot. This will create a composer.json and composer.lock if you don't already have them, and a vendor directory into which Composer will download Twig and a couple of the Symfony dependencies it uses. Composer will also generate some autoload files.

  • create a templates directory for your Twig source files (personally I like to put this above the docroot for security)

  • create a sample index.html.twig template in that directory
  • create a bootstrap.php file (a few lines of PHP to load and initialise Twig (and tells it where to find the templates)
  • create an index.php file to demonstate loading and parsing a template. This:
    • loads the bootstrap
    • defines some data (in an array) to populate tags in the template
    • uses the Twig render() method, specifying the template and the data array

Visit the second PHP file in your browser and you should get a rendered Twig template.



// Load our autoloader
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

// Specify our Twig templates location
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(__DIR__.'/../templates');

// Instantiate our Twig
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);



require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap.php';

// Sample data
$foo = [
  [ 'name'          => 'Alice' ],
  [ 'name'          => 'Bob' ],
  [ 'name'          => 'Eve' ],

// Render our view
echo $twig->render('index.html', ['foo' => $foo] );


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Twig Example</title>

    {% for item in foo %}
        <li>{{ item.name }}</li>
    {% endfor %}


The next stage would be to modify your index.php into a proper 'front controller' so it can handle multiple templates.

The tutorial also mentions things like caching the generated templates.

like image 79
William Turrell Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 11:10

William Turrell