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Can I use PEX with Visual Studio 2012?



I don't see any current information about the plans to make Pex work on Visual Studio 2012.

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David Allen Avatar asked Nov 16 '12 18:11

David Allen

2 Answers

I've tried to contact Microsoft, but I got no answer. So I decided to email Mary Jo Foley and here is what she got:

Here’s your answer from a MS spokesperson on Visual Studio:

We expect to have an update of Pex compatible with Visual Studio 2012/.NET 4.5 sometime in early 2013. An academic license would be first, a commercial license would come later.

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Mario Duarte Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 05:11

Mario Duarte

New Pex extension for Visual Studio 2012 Portable Libraries called Code Digger. Currently Code Digger only works with Portable Class Libraries and does not automatically create unit tests projects like the original PEX. The PEX team has said they will have new releases that adds functionality and make it work outside of Portable Subset although there is not a timeframe for that.


Excerpt from Blog:

"Under the hood, Code Digger uses the Pex engine and Microsoft Research’s Z3 constraint solver to systematically analyze all branches in the code, trying to generate a test suite that achieves high code coverage. Working together with Peter Provost from the Visual Studio product group, we tried to create a really simple user interface. We want to bring the idea of code exploration to every programmer’s fingertips. This is different from the Pex Power Tools where we gave you many options to configure, and you had to embrace the idea of (Parameterized) Unit Testing to get all benefits. Code Digger is not a full replacement of Pex, it is merely the first extension that the Pex team ships for Visual Studio 2012 – stay tuned for more."

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Aaron Stainback Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 06:11

Aaron Stainback