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Can I use multiple shapes in one Android drawable?


What I'm trying to do is define a common background for use in a LinearLayout which frequents my application on many of its Activitys. This particular layout is a header that shows on the top of each activity.

What I'm trying to do is create a drawable that fills the linearlayout with a gradient and has a horizontal line below the gradient.

Does anyone know if this is possible or do I have to do this sort of thing only with nested layouts.

My attemptat the drawable xml is

 <selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <item> <shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"     android:shape="rectangle">     <gradient android:startColor="#AA000000" android:endColor="#AA333333"         android:angle="270" /> </shape> </item> <item> <shape android:shape="line">     <stroke android:width="3dp" android:color="#FFFFFFFF"             android:dashWidth="1dp" android:dashGap="2dp" />     <size android:height="5dp" /> </shape> </item> </selector> 
like image 765
David Brown Avatar asked Jan 19 '11 20:01

David Brown

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What is drawable shape android?

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Sometimes you want an outline around your shape and to do that you can use the stroke tag. You can specify the width and color of the outline using android:width and android:color. Since your shape is a rectangle, you can round rectangle's corners. You can do that inside of the corners tag.

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A drawable resource is a general concept for a graphic that can be drawn to the screen and which you can retrieve with APIs such as getDrawable(int) or apply to another XML resource with attributes such as android:drawable and android:icon . There are several different types of drawables: Bitmap File.

2 Answers

Drawable accepts multiple shapes, (defined always in others files) if i understand your question maybe you can do a Layer drawable (this draws multiple underlying drawables on top of each other)

i write this here, so, i dont tested, but try this and read this fantastic documentation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>     <layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">         <item android:drawable="@drawable/shape_7"/>         <item android:drawable="@drawable/shape_1"/>     </layer-list> 

the android complete xml resources


like image 115
Franco Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 19:10


Use gravity to set your items in layer-list.

     for vertical orientation use:     android:gravity="top"     android:gravity="center"     android:gravity="bottom" 
     for horizontal orientation use:     android:gravity="left"     android:gravity="center"     android:gravity="right" 
<layer-list            xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">           <item>                 <bitmap                    android:src="@drawable/top_img"                    android:gravity="top"/>           </item>           <item>                 <bitmap                    android:src="@drawable/center_img"                    android:gravity="center"/>           </item>           <item>                 <bitmap                    android:src="@drawable/bottom_img"                    android:gravity="bottom"/>           </item> </layer-list> 

Be sure that the parent element has enough space to hold all the items! Otherwise they will overlap each other

like image 29
Dani Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 18:10
