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Can I use Entity Framework on Windows Phone 8

Is it possible to use Entity Framework to save data to a SQL CE database in isolated storage on Windows Phone 8?

When I try and add a reference to EF 5 using NuGet I get the error:

"Failed to add reference to 'System.Data.Entity'. Please make sure that it is in the Global Assembly Cache."

Any ideas?

like image 775
Steve Chadbourne Avatar asked May 14 '13 21:05

Steve Chadbourne

People also ask

Is it good to use Entity Framework?

Conclusion. EF should be considered a great ORM framework which allows faster development, easier and quicker operations to the DB, as long as you are careful and know how it works in order to avoid certain mistakes and create performance problems.

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The standard ORM API in Java it's called JPA, and is part of the Java EE specification.

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Entity Framework Features Cross-platform: EF Core is a cross-platform framework which can run on Windows, Linux and Mac.

1 Answers

Just tested this with VS2013 and EF6 still same problem.

But what is supported (although with limited functionality) is Linq to SQL http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsphone/develop/hh202872(v=vs.105).aspx

At least you get the same ORM style of data access.

like image 159
Shiraz Bhaiji Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Shiraz Bhaiji