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Can I use CSS variables in a font list and have it work in legacy browsers?

I'd like to use a CSS variable to store a font in case the user doesn't have the specified font installed.


:root {
     --common-font: Comic Sans MS;

.header1 {
     font-family: CoolFont1, var(--common-font);

Will legacy browsers break if I add a reference to the variable in the font names?


like image 926
1.21 gigawatts Avatar asked Dec 19 '18 07:12

1.21 gigawatts

1 Answers

Yes, it will break, you must use fallback font for legacy browser without using CSS variables.

For example:

   .header {
       font-family: sans-serif; /* This is fallback font for old browsers */
       font-family: var(--common-font);

Also you can use a @supports condition with a dummy feature query:

.header {
    @supports ( (--a: 0)) {
      /* supported */
      font-family: var(--common-font);

    @supports ( not (--a: 0)) {
      /* not supported */
      font-family: sans-serif; /* This is fallback font for old browsers */
like image 134
dreyhiflden Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10
