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Can I update Visual Studio Community 2015 RC to 2015 Release when the final version is released, (without reinstallation)?


I know it's not a big deal to reinstall, but the file is more than 4 GB large; and the installation process is time consuming. When the final VS 2015 is released, can I update from RC version without reinstalling from scratch?

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Nick Avatar asked May 10 '15 13:05


People also ask

Is Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 still supported?

For Visual Studio 2017, customers who remain on the RTW version 15.0. x will continue to be supported until January 2020. For Visual Studio 2015 and Team Foundation Server 2015, RTW is no longer supported.

1 Answers

Yes, this is a supported upgrade path and we test for it. You may also have other version of Visual Studio installed, side by side installs are also tested for (VS 2013 side by side with VS 2015 is officially supported).

That being said VS 2015 does bring in a number of external components so there's always a risk that on some configuration the upgrade will not work properly.

Source: I'm working on the Visual Studio team.

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Bogdan Gavril MSFT Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09

Bogdan Gavril MSFT