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Can I update multiple aggregate instances of the same type in one transaction?

Sorry if it's duplicated, I have searched a lot in SO, but I didn't find a matched question.

I know we shouldn't update multiple aggregate instances in one transaction. However, I think the "multiple aggregate instances" here means multiple instance of different aggregate types. Am I right?

Say, Product and BacklogItem are two different aggregates, so we should avoid updating both Product and BacklogItem in one single transaction.

But what if I need to update multiple instances of the same aggregate type? Say, I need to update all products' name. What's the best way to deal with it?


//Application Service
public void ChangeTitle(string newName)
         IEnumerable<Product> products = repo.GetAll();
         foreach(var product in products)
like image 752
Charlie Avatar asked Feb 08 '17 02:02


People also ask

Can a bounded context have multiple aggregate roots?

A single Bounded Context can include many aggregate roots, or we can organise a single aggregate root into a single Bounded Context.

Can an aggregate reference another aggregate?

[Evans] states that one Aggregate may hold references to the Root of other Aggregates. However, we must keep in mind that this does not place the referenced Aggregate inside the consistency boundary of the one referencing it. The reference does not cause the formation of just one whole Aggregate.

How many aggregate roots are in a bounded context?

I suppose, that it's fine to have maximum 3-4 aggregates per single bounded context. If there are more aggregates in single bounded context, then there are probably some issues with the software design.

1 Answers

The type of AR is irrelevant, ARs are always transactional boundaries. When working with many of them you should usually embrace partial failures and eventual consistency.

Why should all renames fail or succeed if there are no invariants to protect across all these ARs. For instance, if the UI did allow users to rename multiple products at a time and some user renames hundreds of them. If one product failed to be renamed because of a concurrency conflict for instance, would it be better not to rename any of the products or inform the user that one of them failed?

You can always violate the rule, but you must understand that the more ARs that are involved in a transaction, the more likely you are to experience transactional failures due to concurrency conflicts (assuming contention can occur).

I usually only modify multiple ARs in one transaction when there are invariants crossing ARs boundaries and I can't afford to avoid dealing with eventual consistency.

like image 197
plalx Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
