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Can I share to my NativeScript app?

Is it possible in current state of NativeScript to create an app which listens for share intents on Android?

What I would like to achieve is for example having a website opened in my web browser on Android, tap on share and see my NativeScript app on the list of share targets.

I did accomplish this on a native Android app but can't get it to work in a NativeScript app. I've messed with the AndroidManifest.xml to add

<action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND"></action>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"></category>

into intent-filter but this did not help. My app does not show up in the list of share targets.

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Najki Avatar asked May 29 '16 21:05


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It's an extremely powerful tool. NativeScript provides abstracted UI and component APIs to access native iOS and Android hardware and UI components. This accelerates development because you can write a singular UI and business logic code for both iOS and Android, thus saving time.

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React Native is by far the most popular cross-platform mobile development framework, winning over other similar frameworks, e.g., Xamarin, Flutter, Ionic, or NativeScript. But popularity isn't always a fair comparison metric.

Is NativeScript worth learning?

It's worth considering NativeScript when:You want to use Angular for web components. You need custom native UI and you don't know Objective C or Java. You're about to transition and Angular or Vue web application to mobile.

Is NativeScript really Native?

NativeScript is an open-source framework used to build native mobile applications on iOS and Android platforms. Under a rule, it implements CSS and JavaScript to render the UIs to ensure a native-like experience. NativeScript generally attracts users with its personalized tech stack.

1 Answers

I've been searching for a solution to this question myself and found all of the others answers here very helpful.

Yet, I'm a noob (only two days in) for NativeScript and couldn't actually get where and how to implement all the code bits together to work.

By using the answers here I could continue my search and found a finished GITHUB EXAMPLE: NickIliev/nativescript-receiving-shared-content

For other freshmen (or freshwoman) looking for a finished example go to the repo and explore the code in /demo/app/ directory. It was helpful for me and I'll hope it will help you too.

like image 167
Darvydas Šilkus Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09

Darvydas Šilkus