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Can I see the exact commands IntelliJ uses to build a java project?

Can I see the exact commands IntelliJ uses to build a java project?

like image 632
Blankman Avatar asked Jun 03 '10 13:06


People also ask

How do I find build command in IntelliJ?

Select a module or a project you want to compile and from the main menu, select Build | Build Project ( Ctrl+F9 ). IntelliJ IDEA displays the compilation results in the Review compilation and build output.

What build tool does IntelliJ use?

IntelliJ IDEA has its own native build system or you can use an external build tool such as Maven, Gradle, Ant, Gant, or sbt (for the Scala plugin) to build and deploy your project. The integration for the majority of the build tools that IntelliJ IDEA supports is bundled and enabled by default.

How do I see runtime in IntelliJ?

Switch the Java runtime used to run IntelliJ IDEAFrom the main menu, select Help | Find Action or press Ctrl+Shift+A . Find and select the Choose Boot Java Runtime for the IDE action. Select the desired runtime and click OK.

1 Answers

IDEA is not running java binary, so there is no way to see the commands. Instead, IDEA uses Java compiler API directly. If you want a raw representation of what is done to build the project, you can use Build | Generate Ant build. Examine the build file or run it from the command line via Ant to see what happens and what options/commands are invoked.

like image 162
CrazyCoder Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09
