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Can I run two web servers on the same computer?


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Can you run two servers at once?

Yes, it's possible to have two servers running on different ports. You can't have two servers running on the same port. It's also possible to have multiple sites on one server, with the hostname differentiating between the two.

Can you host a website on 2 servers?

You should have the same hostname set up for both the websites, and have your DNS with another server or a third party. If the primary website goes down, then make a change to your DNS to send it to the secondary website.

How do multiple servers work together?

By utilizing multiple servers, a Web-hosting company creates a versatile environment by allocating resources among two or more servers. A multiple-server configuration results in quicker Web site load times during peak periods and drastically reduces downtime for a Web site if one server in the configuration fails.

Can you run multiple servers on the same port?

No, not unless you have two different public IP's on the server which each server can bind to. Each server then needs to explicitly listen on a specific IP/port combination and it will 'just work'.

I just found out that I can write a really simple web server using Python. I have already an Apache web server I would like to try the Python based web server on this machine. But I am afraid that I can get some kind of conflict if I try it. I mean how two web server will "decide" who needs to server a request from a client?