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Can I remove the URL from my print css, so the web address doesn't print?



I have written some stylesheets - including a print.css - and it's working fine.

I'd like to remove the URL from printing out on each of the pages. I am beginning to wonder if it is impossible. Is there an element/option that I can set to display:none to do this?

The reason is that the specific pages that have a 'normal' and 'print' stylesheet have been specially formatted so when printed, it forms a meaningful booklet. Therefore the URL is irrelevant.

like image 981
Mark Avatar asked Feb 03 '10 14:02


People also ask

How do I hide the elements when printing a website using CSS?

To hide the element, add “display:none” to the element with CSS.

1 Answers

In Firefox, https://bug743252.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=714383 (view page source :: tag HTML).

In your code, replace <html> with <html moznomarginboxes mozdisallowselectionprint>.

In others browsers, I don't know, but you can view http://www.mintprintables.com/print-tips/header-footer-windows/

like image 64
Daniel Gross Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Daniel Gross