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Can I remove documents of mongodb using regex expression?

I have not find a method to do it yet. If we can not remove documents using regex expression, what can we do to make it done? And why does not mongodb provide such a driver ?

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Canoe Avatar asked Jul 17 '14 07:07


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2 Answers

The .remove() method just takes a query object, so regular expressions are just a standard query for MongoDB:

db.collection.remove({ "field": /^string/ })

Removes anything that has "field" that starts with "string"

Look at the documentation for $regex as well.

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Neil Lunn Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

Neil Lunn

Documents can be remove using remove() method and $regex query.

For example

db.users.remove({"email" :  { $regex : /$test/}})

It will remove all user email starts with 'test'.

db.users.remove({"email" :  { $regex : /@yopmail.com$/}})

It will remove all user email ends with 'yopmail.com'

Details are explained here, mongoDB official site

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Jakarea Parvez Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

Jakarea Parvez