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Can I reliably create Excel documents from a PHP application on a Linux server?

What is the state generating Excel documents from a PHP application on a Linux server?

I am interesting in creating Office 97 (xls) Excel files. My limited research on the subject has turned up this Pear package. It appears to be in beta status since 2006.

Can you share your success or failures in generating Excel files from PHP? Is there a reliable and mature tool available?

Update: For this application I do need to generate an Excel file, not just a CSV file.

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Devon Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 10:12


2 Answers

There is something much better than the PEAR package out there!


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markus Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 23:01


I've used that PEAR package and it works great for me for Office '97-2000 compatible files.

If it's a simple spreadsheet, Office can handle CSVs as well, which PHP can output natively and easily.

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ceejayoz Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 23:01
