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Can I push events to Eloqua like Google Analytics?

With Google Analytics I can push a custom event to the service with code like this in JavaScript:

_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Videos', 'Play', 'Gone With the Wind']);

Is there a way to do this with Eloqua in conjunction with their JavaScript tracking code?

I found that I can do this:


But the example is specific to Outbound Link Tracking, and I'm not sure what the other parameters would be, if there are any?

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John B Avatar asked Jan 10 '14 15:01

John B

2 Answers

I went on their website and checked the function, it has 3 parameters:

> _elq.trackEvent
   function (a,b,c){t(a,b,c)}

They all get passed to the URL:

> _elq.trackEvent('test111', 'test222', 'test333')
   Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html: "http://s33.t.eloqua.com/visitor/v200/svrGP?pps=10&siteid=33&elq=test222&ref=test111&ref2=test333&ms=786"

This is just reverse engineering, they don't have any official documentation about it that I can find.

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aledalgrande Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09


Judging from the Eloqua Asynchronous Visitor Tracking Scripts, Eloqua doesn't support Google Analytics-like event tracking.

You can track:

  • Multiple Eloqua Instances
  • Custom URLs/Referrers
  • Outbound Link Tracking (what you referenced)
  • Externally Hosted Forms
  • Data Lookups
  • Flash Content
  • Strict Mode (opt-in by country/visitor)
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Blexy Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
