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Can I pass "this" as a parameter to another function in javascript

I have this:

$('#slider li').click(function () {
    var stepClicked = $(this).index();
    if (stepClicked != 0) {
    } else {



    function moveToNextImage(stepClicked) {
        var currentIs = $('li.cs_current').index();
        var newLeftEdge = currentIs - stepClicked;
        $('.cs_riskStageImage').fadeTo(200, .2).animate({
            left: newLeftEdge
        }, "fast").fadeTo(200, 1);

the alert shows the proper index for the li clicked, and when I alert the variable within the last function I'm calling, moveToNextImage(stepClicked), the same value shows but the animation isn't happening. This works many other ways, but I'm trying to pass the index value of the list item clicked to use for the math to calculate.

..or can I convert the value to another variable in the first function that I can pass to the second?

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kelly johnson Avatar asked Mar 21 '12 20:03

kelly johnson

People also ask

Can you use a function as a parameter of another function in JavaScript?

Functions in the functional programming paradigm can be passed to other functions as parameters. These functions are called callbacks. Callback functions can be passed as arguments by directly passing the function's name and not involving them.

Can we pass a function as a parameter to another function?

A function can also be passed to another function by passing its address to that function; In simple terms, it could be achieved via pointers. Example: C++

How do I pass a value from one method to another in JavaScript?

A straighforward way is to use the window object. Wherever you are inside your function use: window. var1=42; (var1 is your variable and 42 is your value. You can retrieve this variable from any other functions in your program.

1 Answers

The javascript functions call() and apply() are both for precisely for the purpose of calling a function within a context.

function sum() { 
    return this.num1 + this.num2; 

function callSum(num1, num2) { 
    this.num1 = num1
    this.num2 = num2
    return sum.call(this);       //call sum() in the context of this 

alert(callSum(10, 15)); 

function applySum(num1, num2) { 
    this.num1 = num1
    this.num2 = num2
    return sum.apply(this);   //call sum() in the context of this 

alert(applySum(30, 45)); 

jsfiddle example link

Now in the sum() function the this keyword had the same context as it does in the callSum() and applySum() functions.

The difference between call() and apply() is that apply's second parameter is either an array of parameters to pass or an arguments object.

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Duncan Gravill Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Duncan Gravill