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can I pass a custom property to NLOG and output to file?




EDIT 4: "From" seems to be a reserved word in NLog. Changing it "FromID" worked. this is an awesome way to pass variables to NLog and still keep your code clean !!!! THANK MIKE!!!

EDIT 3. I really like this idea.:

Implemented a helper class as Mike suggested below:

public class NLogHelper
    // Class Properties
    private Logger m_logger;
    private Dictionary<string, object> m_properties;

    // Constructor
    public NLogHelper(Logger logger)
        m_logger = logger;
        m_properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    // Setting Logger properties per instancce
    public void Set(string key, object value)
        m_properties.Add(key, value);

    // Loggers
    public void Debug(string format, params object[] args)
            .Message(format, args)

and in my main code, I have:

    private NLogHelper m_logger;
    public void Start() 
        m_logger = new NLogHelper(LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger());
        m_logger.Set("From", "QRT123");  // Class setting.
        m_logger.Debug("Hello ");

And the target set in the config file as follows:

<target xsi:type="File"
    name ="LogFile" fileName="C:\QRT\Logs\QRTLog-${shortdate}.log"
    layout ="${date}|${level}|${event-properties:item=From}|${message} "/>

But the output has a BLANK in the place of the 'from' property ???

So I'm ALMOST THERE... but it does not seem to work??

EDIT 2: I am now trying to create my own version of the NLog call:

private void Log_Debug (string Message) 
   LogEventInfo theEvent = new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Debug, "What is this?", Message);
   theEvent.Properties["EmployeeID"] = m_employeeID;

The issue is that I have to format the string for the calls (but a huge performance deal)... but this seems like a hack??

Ideally, I would declare properties in the custom layout renderer and instead of setting those properties in the configuration file, each instance of my class would have the property set... something like [ID = m_ID] for the whole class. This way whenever a NLog is called from that class, the ID property is set and NLog's custom layout renderer can use this property to output it. Am I making sense??

I'm new to NLog and have been looking at custom renderers. Basically, my goal is to have my log statements be: _logger.Debug ("My Name is {0}", "Ed", ID=87);

and I'd like my rendered to be something like: layout = ${ID} ${date} ${Level} ${Message}

That's it. ${ID} can have a default value of 0. fine. But ideally, I'd like every call to have the ability to specify an ID without needing to have 3 lines everytime I want to log.

I've seen custom renderers allowing me to customize what I output but i'm not sure how I can customize the properties I pass to it without

https://github.com/NLog/NLog/wiki/Extending%20NLog shows how I can add properties but I don't know how to call them.

Also, https://github.com/NLog/NLog/wiki/Event-Context-Layout-Renderer shows how I can set custom properties but that involved the creation of a LogEventInfo object every time I want to log something.

Nlog Custom layoutrenderer shows how to customize the output.. again... not how to customize the inputs.

This is for a Console app in C# targeting .NET 4.0 using VS2013

Thanks -Ed

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Ed Landau Avatar asked Sep 29 '15 23:09

Ed Landau

2 Answers

NLog 4.5 supports structured logging using message templates:

logger.Info("Logon by {user} from {ip_address}", "Kenny", "");

See also https://github.com/NLog/NLog/wiki/How-to-use-structured-logging

See also https://github.com/NLog/NLog.Extensions.Logging/wiki/NLog-properties-with-Microsoft-Extension-Logging

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Rolf Kristensen Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09

Rolf Kristensen

Event properties (used to be called event-context) would be the built-in way to do what you want. If you are using NLog 3.2+ you can use the fluent api, which may be a bit more appealing than creating LogEventInfo objects. You can access this api by by using the namespace NLog.Fluent.

Your layout would then be defined like this:

${event-properties:item=ID} ${date} ${Level} ${Message}

Then using the fluent api, log like this:

    .Message("My name is {0}", "Ed")
    .Property("ID", 87)

Other than setting properties per event as above, the only other option would be to set properties per thread using MDC or MDLS.

NLog dosen't have a way (that I have found) of setting per-logger properties. Internally, NLog caches Logger instances by logger name, but does not guarantee that the same instance of Logger will always be returned for a given logger name. So for example if you call LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger() in the constructor of your class, most of the time you will get back the same instance of Logger for all instances of your class. In which case, you would not be able to have separate values on your logger, per instance of your class.

Perhaps you could create a logging helper class that you can instantiate in your class. The helper class can be initialized with per-instance property values to be logged with every message. The helper class would also provide convenience methods to log messages as above, but with one line of code. Something like this:

// Example of a class that needs to use logging
public class MyClass
    private LoggerHelper _logger;

    public MyClass(int id)
        _logger = new LoggerHelper(LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger());

        // Per-instance values
        _logger.Set("ID", id);

    public void DoStuff()
        _logger.Debug("My name is {0}", "Ed");

// Example of a "stateful" logger
public class LoggerHelper
    private Logger _logger;
    private Dictionary<string, object> _properties;

    public LoggerHelper(Logger logger)
        _logger = logger;
        _properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    public void Set(string key, object value)
        _properties.Add(key, value);

    public void Debug(string format, params object[] args)
            .Message(format, args)

This would work with the same layout as above.

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Mike Hixson Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09

Mike Hixson