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Can I override a route in Express?

If I do this:

app.get('/test', (req, res) => {

app.get('/test', (req, res) => {

The first call is what works, the second get call does not override the first. Is there a good way to change that?

Basically I am working on a Swagger app where it can hit multiple APIs. I forked from https://github.com/thanhson1085/swagger-combined. The app knows if API A hits /user it will proxy any calls from /user to the appropriate place. Right now the app lists all API calls from as many APIs as you load. That means if API A & API B have the same endpoint of /user, I will only ever proxy to the first API that registered the endpoint in my app.

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Dave Stein Avatar asked Oct 26 '16 15:10

Dave Stein

People also ask

What is method override in Express?

Lets you use HTTP verbs such as PUT or DELETE in places where the client doesn't support it.

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Because Express routes are not case-sensitive, a request for /SECURE/manageInvoices will return the same resource as /secure/manageInvoices. However, the authentication-checking middleware will not be applied to /SECURE/manageInvoices, allowing an attacker to access the page without logging in.

How do routes work in Express?

A route is a section of Express code that associates an HTTP verb ( GET , POST , PUT , DELETE , etc.), a URL path/pattern, and a function that is called to handle that pattern.

1 Answers

Express does not allow to override routes. But you should be able to use one and decide where to proxy those calls.

app.get('/test', (req, res) => {

It would probably better to have those apis in separate endpoints like /api1/user/ and api2/user/.

You can basically pass Express Router into another Express Router.

let api1Router = express.Router()
rootRouter.use('/api1', api1Router)

Hope that helps.

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Jakub Miziołek Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Jakub Miziołek