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Can I negate (!) a collection of spring profiles?

Is it possible to configure a bean in such a way that it wont be used by a group of profiles? Currently I can do this (I believe):

@Profile("!dev, !qa, !local") 

Is there a neater notation to achieve this? Let's assume I have lots of profiles. Also, if I have a Mock and concrete implementation of some service (or whatever), Can I just annotate one of them, and assume the other will be used in all other cases? In other words, is this, for example, necessary:

@Profile("dev, prof1, prof2") public class MockImp implements MyInterface {...}  @Profile("!dev, !prof1, !prof2") //assume for argument sake that there are many other profiles public class RealImp implements MyInterface {...} 

Could I just annotate one of them, and stick a @Primary annotation on the other instead?

In essence I want this:

@Profile("!(dev, prof1, prof2)") 

Thanks in advance!

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HellishHeat Avatar asked Apr 02 '17 13:04


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Which of these are valid usages of spring profiles?

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2 Answers

Since Spring 5.1 (incorporated in Spring Boot 2.1) it is possible to use a profile expression inside profile string annotation (see the description in Profile.of(..) for details).

So to exclude your bean from certain profiles you can use an expression like this:

@Profile("!dev & !prof1 & !prof2") 

Other logical operators can be used as well, for example:

@Profile("test | local") 
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Pascal Gafner Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10

Pascal Gafner

Short answer is: You can't in versions of Spring prior to Spring 5.1 (i.e. versions of Spring Boot prior to 2.1).

But there is a neat workarounds that exists thanks to the @Conditional annotation.

Create Condition matchers:

public static abstract class ProfileCondition extends SpringBootCondition {     @Override     public ConditionOutcome getMatchOutcome(ConditionContext conditionContext, AnnotatedTypeMetadata annotatedTypeMetadata) {         if (matchProfiles(conditionContext.getEnvironment())) {             return ConditionOutcome.match("A local profile has been found.");         }         return ConditionOutcome.noMatch("No local profiles found.");     }      protected static abstract boolean matchProfiles(final Environment environment); }  public class DevProfileCondition extends ProfileCondition {    protected boolean matchProfiles(final Environment environment) {             return Arrays.stream(environment.getActiveProfiles()).anyMatch(prof -> {             return prof.equals("dev") || prof.equals("prof1") || prof.equals("prof2");         });     } }  public static class ProdProfileCondition extends ProfileCondition {    protected boolean matchProfiles(final Environment environment) {             return Arrays.stream(environment.getActiveProfiles()).anyMatch(prof -> {             return (!prof.equals("dev") && !prof.equals("prof1") && !prof.equals("prof2"));         });     } } 

Use it

@Conditional(value = {DevProfileCondition.class}) public class MockImpl implements MyInterface {...}  @Conditional(value = {ProdProfileCondition.class}) public class RealImp implements MyInterface {...} 

However, this aproach requires Springboot.

like image 29
Anthony Raymond Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10

Anthony Raymond