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Can I make a Moose attribute "write once"?




I would like to have a non-required Moose attribute that can be set only once.

If I use is => 'ro' I must set the attribute upon creation of the object, but I want to be able to add it afterwards (as long as it's not been set already).

like image 513
David B Avatar asked Nov 12 '10 13:11

David B

2 Answers


like image 170
daxim Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 23:11


Use a method modifier:

has 'attr' => (
    is => 'rw',
    predicate => 'is_set',

before 'attr' => sub {
     my $self = shift;
     die 'attr already set' if $self->is_set;
like image 5
Pedro Silva Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 22:11

Pedro Silva