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Can I install a previous version of a plugin using the cordova plugin add command?

I am trying to rebuild a cordova project from scratch and creating documentation along the way. I would like to be able to install consistent versions of plugins to avoid having to retest new code for the time being. Is there a way to specify a previous version of a plugin similar to the way you can specify a previous version of cordova? For example, I am familiar with the following syntax to install a specific version of cordova:

npm install -g [email protected] 

And I'm able to install a plugin with the following syntax:

cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device 

I would like to be able to so something like the following:

cordova plugin add [email protected] 

Any insight including "not possible" would be helpful. Thanks!

like image 392
Eric Carlson Avatar asked Jan 27 '14 20:01

Eric Carlson

1 Answers

from official cordova website


From anywhere within an app’s directory, plugins can be added to a project with

cordova plugin add [PLUGIN_ID] 

where PLUGIN_ID is the id (typically reverse-domain style) shown on the plugin registry website. You can also download a specific version of a plugin:

cordova plugin add [PLUGIN_ID]@[VERSION] 
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VicM Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
