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Can I get TypeScript to reveal what type it has determined for an expression?



I have some code like the following where I want to determine what type TypeScript has inferred for an expression:

var timer = window.setTimeout(...);
/* QUESTION: What is the inferred type of "timer" here? */

When I use the mypy typechecker for Python, I can insert the special expression reveal_type(my_expression) into code to have the typechecker print a fake error containing the inferred type for expression my_expression.

Is there a way I can ask the TypeScript tsc type-checker for similar information about the inferred type of an expression?

like image 818
David Foster Avatar asked Jul 07 '19 00:07

David Foster

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Use the typeof operator to check the type of a variable in TypeScript, e.g. if (typeof myVar === 'string') {} . The typeof operator returns a string that indicates the type of the value and can be used as a type guard in TypeScript.

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TypeScript automatically finds type definitions under node_modules/@types , so there's no other step needed to get these types available in your program.

1 Answers

I don't know of an equivalent to reveal_type, but you can force an invalid assignment and inspect the resulting error message. Assignment to never always fails1, so in your example:

var timer = window.setTimeout(...);
const revealType : never = timer;

Should cause the compiler to print:

Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'never'

1 Unless the type you're checking is also never

like image 92
Brad Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
