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Can I do a dry run with homebrew to see the details of what will be installed and how?



Is it possible to run in a verbose mode where it doesn't actually install the package, but just details from where and how it will be install the package?

like image 494
Blankman Avatar asked Mar 25 '11 19:03


People also ask

How long does it take for Homebrew to install?

On a 1 Mbps Internet connection, installing Homebrew would, in theory, take about ~1 hour.

Is Homebrew necessary for Mac?

“Homebrew installs the stuff you need that Apple didn't” — this is how Homebrew creators describe it, and we agree. If you want a more informative definition, Homebrew is a free and open-source package manager for macOS, helping you install, update, uninstall, and manage developer tools like Python, Ruby, and Node.

Where does Homebrew install packages Linux?

Homebrew installs files to /home/linuxbrew/. linuxbrew/bin/ by default, so they won't interfere with future Linux updates.

Is Brew installed on Mac by default?

Manage your command-line utilities with brewHomebrew boasts that it "installs the stuff you need that Apple (or your Linux system) didn't" install by default. Installation happens with the brew command, which gives us access to thousands of command-line utilities, but not more complex applications.

1 Answers

You can run brew outdated to see a list of outdated packages that will be upgraded when running brew upgrade.

like image 168
Steven Bakhtiari Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Steven Bakhtiari