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Can I do a dry run of Update-Database in EF 6?

I am wondering if there is a way to run Update-Database from the Package Manager Console with something similar to the Rails --dry-run flag, in order to see what will be run before doing it. My googling has led to no corresponding command for EF.

Is there one? Is there a hack to do essentially the same thing?

like image 747
Andy Raddatz Avatar asked Jun 01 '15 20:06

Andy Raddatz

1 Answers

You could use Update-Database with a -Script flag to generate a SQL script instead of applying the migration. If you don't specify a source migration, it will use the current database state as the starting point, so you can use the file to verify what would have been executed on the database.


like image 74
jjj Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10
